Hero and commoner; Impression of the movie "Spider-man"

Hiroki FUJITA (11/29/04)

The third movie was the gSpider-man.h I saw the first one in Japan, so I knew the outline of this movie, and rest of the story that I will see after the first one. But it was so amusing.

First of all, I love the leading actor, Peter, and his personality. He has great ability potentially. He is a so smart student; he got a good grade in his college. However, he is not decisive, so that he lost something anytime. His indecisiveness reminds me of one of my bad characteristics. In this sense, it could be said that we are alike. This would be one of the reasons that I like him.

Secondly, story was well-considered. Especially, at the beginning of the movie, a number of explanations about the spiders are done, these were really scientifically persuasive. When I saw the second one, one question came up; How come he became a Spider-man? These scene are convinced me. The gaccidenth happened to him as kind of gene magic.

However, I could see the gshort-cuth in some parts of the movie. Some incidents are could not be occurred in the practical world. Of course, I do know the importance of the fictional and imaginary story, in addition, I do believe movies should try to show the audience the other world. However, as for me, occasionally, the story looked too simplified. But it shouldnft matter. This is very popular movie especially among the children. Hero gives dream children.

Thirdly, I would like to compare the first one and second one. Actually, both are really similar story. To put it simply, the hero defeat the evil, the scientist and had plenty of money, with overcoming many difficulties. This is the summary of both stories. I think I could see his gstruggleh more in the second one. He struggled between his study or his girlfriend and to be a hero. He is a student, and at the same time, he is a hero. He had a hard time to cope with it. In the second one, this is one of the gmust-seeh moments. On the other hand, in the first one, I didnft see these scenes so many times. It was kind of disappointing for me. But in the first one, the director has to gseth and gdefineh the situation and the characters. Therefore, it cannot be helped to be simplified. Generally, it is said that the continuous movies will get worse as the series go on. I saw many of them and I really support this theory; so did Rocky. However, I donft know it had planned to make two movies though, on the contrast to the public expectation, the second one is much better than the first one. Well, I didnft mean the first one is bad quality, both were good. But the second one is more valuable. I would recommend you to see both of them though.

Finally, I would like to introduce kind of key words of this movie; gwith great power comes great responsibility.h It was originally Peterfs unclefs words. In that context, it meant that to be an adult, you can do anything by yourself, but you have to take a responsibility what you did after all. Then, Peter takes it for his creed as a hero. Not only for the movie, but also this words can be applied to any situation. I would like to take it for my lesson for the future.

Works cited
Columbia Pictures. (Sam Raimi). (2002). Spider-man [Videodisc]. Culver City; Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment.