« Various people in the college. | The last day of the orientation week. »

 Many chances we have been provided.

Today, I had a lot of time.

In the morning, first I checked e-mails and went to the laundry. We, students live in dormitory, can use the washer freely. But it was different from the one that I used in Japan. Although there are directions, I was at a loss, I didn't understand how to use it. Then, one of the student came in, and used it, so I just imiteted him. I did it. (There are also some dryers we can use. )

Afterward, I fixed my bed. And then, went to lunch. I have conversations in English with Japanese friend about music.
It is a big difference that we never speak English when I was in Australia last spring. But here, we speak English even there are no English speaking students. Now, I admit using poor English, partly it is because the classes haven't started, but I believe practice makes perfect. Someday, we will be able to talk in English with everybody else.

In the afternoon, we participated in an activity "scavenger hunt". This means that we had to get stamps from somewhere else around the campus. The places where we visited are the library, shops, restaurants, offices, and so on. We walked, talked a lot. It was fun, good activity.

And then, we had a orientation, had dinner. After that, I got the result of the test. Result was not good. Instructor pointed out that I need to learn more about basic skills to write an essay. Anyway, I shall keep up with other students.
In addition, I signed up one music class, Concert Choir. Tomorrow, I have an audition. I'm looking forward to the class.

The room is quiet now because Brian has taken off, he said he will not come back until tomorrow.

I realized today that I have many chances and way to spend fruitful days here. Getting involved with the Japanese friends is the one of the ways, making friends with the international students is also good, to get along well with the roommate and his friends shall be good, joining some kinds of the club will be better way.
It is similar to the occasion when I was a freshman at Waseda, there are also so much ways to choose. I should decide soon because I may not stay here over a year. College teachers and staffs provided a lot of information with us in this week, these are so helpful. I would like to find the way sooner.
