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¡¡Pride Week; Hate Crime Awareness Day.

This week the Coe Alliance sponsored the Pride Week. Every day we have some events regarding sexual minorities’ rights. A series of entries of this week are the report of the event and my impression of it.

Today, Monday, was hate crime awareness day. A number of people have been killed because of their gender identity or sexual orientation in the United States. In memory of these victims, we put so many tombstones around the quad. It was just hard to ignore. (I really regret that I forgot to take a picture of them.) Every tombstone describes each victim’s history. Some were shot to death because they were gay. Some were refused treatment by doctors because they were transgendered. Both the victims and the perpetrators are really wide ranged. One of my friends told me that 1, 239 hate crimes based on their sexual orientation were reported in 2003. But this is just only the number of crimes that were reported, and it does not include crimes based on gender identity. Therefore, there definitely more people have been killed. That is just a tragedy. Something has to be done in order to stop these tragedies, or at least the number should be reduced. Today and this week will provide lots of chances to think of it.
