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 Reconsider "Kill Bill".

We had already watched 3 movies as a part of the Asian Literature class. Some were full of biases as I pointed out last week, others were much more acceptable. All the students wrote an Impression in the last class. Today, we received the paper with professor's comments.

That urged me to reconsider about my view point of movies.

When I wrote about "Kill Bill" in this diary, I complained too much, and I affirmed it was entirely unacceptable. In addition, other two movies, Lost in Translation and Tampopo, were much better, persuasive, I mentioned.

However, according to the comment, in the movies, it is most important to show something different from the reality. Because directors are trying to challenge the reality.

It was impressive. I asserted " It was exaggeration! It was unacceptable!" many times. But it was not the reality, but the movie. It might be meaningless to simply describe the real daily life. It never to be unnatural that the movies try to do different things.

Although "Kill Bill" is still difficult to accept for me, I admit that it was good attempt. To give unusual experience to the audience will be one of the most crucial element of the movie.
