« 4-month Absense. | 新年のごあいさつ。 »

 Relaxed Year-end Holidays.

I have got back to my hometown.

I had productive days in Tokyo with my nice friends. I had had many parties since I arrived in Japan. I talked and drank a lot with them. As I expected, they gave me much new information and different perspectives. It is a good preparation for the next semester. I was encouraged and motivated strongly.

However, due to lots of parties, I have been unable to study English. It might be said that I have enjoyed the vacation too much. And what is worse, I couldn窶冲 keep my journal here in English. Occasionally, I did study English, but it is not enough. Important thing is to keep working on it.

Then, I would like to state my duties here again.
I should read newspapers both in English and in Japanese. I should read books in English which I brought from the States. I should watch movies in English which my roommate lent me. Above all, I should keep my journals here in English.
These are what should I do during the vacation. I might be good at taking a good rest, so I should study more at the same time.
